Tattoo booking info

✦ When you feel ready to book a tattoo appointment with me, send me a DM through Instagram or email with what you’d like to get tattooed, which placement and size! You should also send some references/images of your ideas!

✦ You must be at least 18 years old to get a tattoo

✦ I will not copy other artist’s work without their consent, but will gladly draw something inspired by it for you instead

✦ I will only tattoo someone’s art/design if you send me proof of purchase/their consent of said design

✦ Stuff from official art like manga panels, book covers, game character artworks, etc. are fine!

✦ I usually send the design 1-3 days before the session, sometimes the evening before, so you can ask for minor changes

✦ You must be completely healthy on the day of the session. If you’re feeling ill before your appointment, please let me know as soon as possible so we can move your appointment

✦ I accept credit card, Vipps and cash!

✦ Please keep in mind I'm still an apprentice ٩(。•́‿•̀。)۶💕

✦ Deposit ✦

✦ You must pay a non-refundable deposit of 520Kr through Vipps or 500Kr in the studio to book an appointment

✦ The deposit is deducted from the final price of the tattoo (´꒳`)♡

✦ Come to your appointment at the agreed time. If you are 30 minutes late without informing me, the session will be canceled and deposit forfeited.

✦ If you message to me at least 2 days before the session, preferably ASAP, for whatever reason we have to move it, the deposit is also moved and does not disappear

✦ Before the session ✦

✦ Remember to eat before the session! Getting a tattoo takes more energy than you think 💕

✦ You can bring a friend or some entertainment (like a book, ipad or fidget toy) if that makes you feel more comfortable during the tattoo

✦ Bring something to eat or drink for longer sessions. We only offer coffee and tea at the studio

✦ Wear comfortable clothes that you won't mind possibly getting dirty with ink, and that i will have easy access to the tattooed area

✦ Exfoliate and moisturize the area to be tattooed if dry, this makes the skin easier to tattoo

✦ After the session ✦

✦ The healing process is one of the most important parts of getting a good tattoo result, so please follow the aftercare instructions carefully! If you didn’t receive the aftercare email or lost it, don’t hesitate to shoot me a DM and I’ll forward it to you 💕

✦ For 3-4 weeks after the tattoo is done, don't make plans where your tattoo will be exposed to contact with swimming pools, the sea, saunas, dirt, intense sweating, sunbathing etc.

✦ It’s normal for tattoos to start peeling and feel itchy during the healing process, so dont’t worry about that, just don’t start scratching or picking on it!

✦ “It’s been days and the tattoo is still red/irritated!” You might be allergic or having an infection, don’t hesitate to send me a DM or contact your doctor as it might need treatment

✦ After it’s healed and you notice you need a touchup, send me a message with a picture! I do touchups for free up to 6 months after the tattoo was done. How a tattoo ages after it’s healed is up to your own skin and care

✦ I’m always happy to help and answer your questions if you have any, you know where to find me ;)